Over 70% of the New Mexico county representatives we met at our booth expressed the same disinfection and decontamination needs. They want an easier, more cost effective way to make public schools, detention centers, police stations, fire stations, and hospitals safer. This is exactly what we do. Our automated systems solve important challenges that came into focus during the pandemic.
The Solution: Destroy 99.99999% of bacteria and viruses, neutralize toxic chemicals, and eradicate odors and allergens at the push of a button.
NeoSan Systems combines advanced chemistry and smart engineering, and sets new standards for whole-room disinfection and decontamination. Our automated, built-in systems distribute a nontoxic dry mist, eliminating 99.99999% of bacteria and viruses, neutralizing toxic chemicals like VOC’s and formaldehyde, and eradicating odors. The dry mist penetrates everywhere—where robots and UV systems can’t—delivering 100% coverage. Surfaces are virtually dry on contact and don’t require wiping or rinsing. This vastly improves the efficiency of disinfection and decontamination processes and costs a fraction of other whole-room treatments.
Disinfection & Decontamination In Just 5 Minutes
Use the mobile app to schedule and manage treatment cycles. After five minutes of saturation, the dry mist is automatically replaced with fresh air, making the room cleaner and safer than when it was brand new. The treatment is safe for all surfaces, screens, electronic devices, and Green Clean certified to not cause harm to humans, pets, and plants.
Our systems are available for new construction or can be retrofitted for existing commercial facilities.
What Are We Spraying?
NeoSan Labs 01 is the world’s most advanced, EPA-registered, full-spectrum antibacterial, algaecide, mildewstat, decontaminant, deodorizer, fungicide, virucide, disinfectant, and cleaner.
Eliminate biological hazards.
Best-in-class disinfection, eradicating 99.99999% of bacteria and viruses. After the treatment, a fungistatic barrier prevents recolonization for over 21 days.
Neutralize chemical toxins.
VOC’s, odors, allergens, and irritants that can cause asthma attacks and allergic reactions are broken down into nontoxic, biodegradable components.
Effective Against
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Listeria monocytogenes, Influenza Type A (H1N1) & B, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli (0157:H7), Clostridium difficile, Salmonella enterica, Proteus mirabilis, Bacillus subtillis, Bacillus anthracis, Yesina Pestis Norovirus, MRSA, ESBL, Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis, and COVID-19.